Giving Back

When we started Messiah Originals, one of the core foundations of our ‘why’ was giving back. A core belief in being a Christian and one that resonates with our supporters and family.

We wanted our gear to be ‘Apparel with a Purpose’ and that is why we have committed to donating 10% of ALL SALES to charity and worthy organisations, FOREVER...

FOREVER... What kind of a business let alone a start-up makes this promise. I will be completely honest and say the thought of making this promise and commitment from the get-go made me nervous.

What if no one buys a shirt? What if I can only donate a few dollars? What if the business loses money? What if I made a mistake in my calculations? What if I can’t afford it? What if... What if... What if...

The truth is I simply do not know. What I do know is that Messiah is not just about a tee, hoody or hat. It’s what they represent. I see so much pain, misfortune and lost hope in the community that it breaks my heart.

What if 1% of Christians, purchased just 1 Tee, to help just 1 person. In Australia alone this would generate over $400,000. Now what if that went to 2,3,4 or 5 %. What if Christians all around the world bought 1. Now you see the potential of Messiah. The hope, belief and support this could bring to so many people is immeasurable.


Why 10% of sales

Simple. The first thing I do is want to honour the Lord as He is the reason, we do this. The first 10% of the fruits of Messiah are used for his purpose through helping

Secondly, we want it to be transparent. By saying a % of profits, this can be diluted and manipulated due to operational expenses. Messiah was created to Give Back, not line pockets.

Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10


Every purchase you make, you are contributing to helping others. First and foremost, we Thank You for that.

It’s a big dream! A dream we are passionate to achieve and elevate to be part of society, and looked to as a source inspiration, actions and results.



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