My Story

April 2019. After years of turmoil and brokenness I reached the end of the line. My life was a train wreck, out of control in all aspects and I can still remember the pain inside.

From the outside all looked as it should; beautiful wife, 2 amazing daughters, nice car, good job; but on the inside was a completely different story.

On the inside I felt pain like I had never felt before, such a broken destructive pain that brought me to tears. I didn’t know what to do, where to go or who to talk to. I was feeling truly alone, worthless and isolated.

I tried to get through it with the male bravado, ‘men don’t feel like this’, ‘men are tough’ and ‘men can fix anything’. Sorry guys but that mentality is all bulls&$t.

What I didn’t know is that God was using this to rebuild my life in a such a way I would never have imagined.

I remember it so vividly. Over the course of one week I met GOD. I remember being broken down and being rebuilt. My heart opened to the fact that I am not worthless, and I am not alone. A love that I have never ever felt in my life. Like a father saying to his son that ‘everything will be ok, I got your back’. I literally felt on fire. I came to realise after talking with a good friend that I had received the holy spirit and touched by God's grace and mercy. I had been born again.

I then thought to myself, how can I share this experience with others that are living bound by chains of depression, addiction, self-doubt and insecurity? What can I do? I am just a man who still can’t comprehend receiving God’s grace and mercy.

That’s when everything changed.

Click here to read Our Story

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